Our Service


We provide a range of services to our valuable clients that covers all the aspects
in getting their required products supplied conveniently. Discover how we do it.


We provide a range of services to our valuable clients that covers all the aspects in getting their required products supplied conveniently. Discover how we do it.

Our Speciality


All Round

We cover all the steps of the process in supplying your products from the product research to logistics.



Dedicated service is provided to clients to supply them their desired products with the best value and quality.


We are professionals of providing a friendly customer oriented service that cares about your need and work for it.

Our Services

Product Research

We are handling the whole process of finding the right product for you where both quality and cost falls in the best level for you and handles all the communications with the manufacturers.

Manufacturer Handling

We manage the whole process of verifying the certifications, and overseeing and supervising the manufacturing process of your items to ensure the quality and the efficiency is preserved.

Fast Logistics

We handle the shipment of your products as soon as they are issued from the manufacturer, with a fast, safe and efficient method, to anywhere in the world, whether it is bulk or small.

Frequently Asked Questions


How do I find the right version of product?

You do not have to worry about finding the product at all. We handle all the product researches to find the best version of the product that suits your requirements.


Is my manufacturer certified?

All the manufacturers we use to produce your items are internationally certified and verified of their production standards.


Will the cheaper prices affect the quality?

Absolutely not. Our product research is done in a smart way where you find the best product with the best price and quality that comes from a verified manufacturer.


Is my manufacturer an employee friendly place?

Always. It is a key factor in our search of manufacturers that it has a sustainable work environment for their employees.


How do I find the right manufacturer?

You do not. J Group is closely linked with many manufacturers around the world who are internationally certified for their production quality and efficiency.


How long will my shipment take?

We make sure to make your shipments done and delivered to you the fastest and the most efficient way possible. The safety is guaranteed.

The Trusted Name in Supplying Products

J Group is a brand that specializes in the process of finding and supplying the best products to the clients all around the world. We are highly reputed as a brand which handles the complete product supply process from A to Z, from the product research to delivery. We have gained a high reputation among many industries as being a reliable and professional product supplier.




Free Quote

Reach us and give us our requirements to get a quote for your order

Professional Handles of Product Supplies around the world, covering the whole process of product search to the delivery.

© JGroup Pty Ltd.